Muscle Toning with TriLipo Maximus

Dynamic muscle activation (DMA) is an innovative proprietary technology that stimulates the muscle by means of electrical current. The stimulation creates an effective work-load profile, reaching supramaximal contractions for the deep remodelling of inner muscle structure, increased density and volume

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How TriLipo Works

TriLipo is the most effective treatment today for non-invasive butt lift.

The Gluteus Maximus (the “buttocks muscle”) is the largest muscle of the human body and is highly receptive to DMA energy.

TriPollar radio frequency and DMA energy work together to shrink fat, tighten lax skin, and lift the large muscles in the area, all at the same time.

The results – the buttocks becomes firmer, lifted, and toned. Appearance of cellulite is reduced to provide a smoother, more defined and dimple-free buttocks. 

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Muscle Toning with Maximus by Pollogen

Targeting muscle tissue by DMA (Dynamic Muscle Activation) electric stimulation to increase muscle volume and tone.


Our body contour is often effected by weight changes and aging. DMA body contouring offers fat reduction and muscle enhancement, providing the combined effect of emphasized body features with a well-toned appearance and a natural look.


Muscle toning is achieved by targeting different layers of muscles with electrical current applied directly to the skin, allowing intervals of stimulation and relaxation for effectively elevated muscle workload. The result of DMA technology is an increase in muscle density and volume, better muscle definition and muscle toning.


The treatments have been clinically proven to be safe and effective, delivering immediate and long-term results.