Cellulite Reduction with Maximus by Pollogen

TriLipo technology works concurrently on the dermis, hypodermis (fat) and muscle layers to deliver triple action fat reduction. The combined effect of TriLipo RF and TriLipo DMA causes deep and homogenous heating of both the dermal and fat layers. TriLipo RF energy heats the subcutaneous fat tissue layer forcing the release of liquid fat from the cells. This thermal effect accelerates natural fat metabolism. Focused TriLipo RF energy causes collagen fibers to contract, resulting in immediate skin tightening. Simultaneously, an acceleration of the metabolism of the fibroblast regenerates collagen yielding long-term skin tightening results.

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Cellulite Reduction with TriPollar Radio Frequency (RF) and Dynamic muscle activation (DMA)

Maximus by Pollogen (RF + DMA) offer safe and effective treatment of cellulite via synergistically targeting fat and muscle tissues.


Cellulite is a common skin condition that causes a dimpled, “orange peel” or “cottage cheese” appearance. Cellulite is caused when fat cells below the skin surface expand. The fat cells push upwards resulting in an uneven skin surface. In addition, the collagen bonds in the location of the fat cells are stretched, causing further unevenness on the skin surface.

Pollogen’s cellulite solutions reduce the size of fat cells in the target area and strengthen and regenerate the collagen fibers. This combination of volumetric RF heating and massage movements delivers a reduction in fat cell volume, allowing the skin to return to its initial form, while the strengthened collagen fibers ensure that the skin has the elasticity it requires.

Cellulite reduction treatments provide safe, fast, and effective skin tightening and are suitable for all skin types, with results that are both immediate and long-term.